14-Days Exchange Policy.
We understand that sometimes things just aren't what you thought they might be. This is why we are happy to offer you a 14-Day Exchange period for unwanted goods. Just get in contact with us HERE and we can begin the process if you purchased online. Otherwise, you can just pop into our store with the item and your proof of purchase.
Terms and Conditions.
Exchanged items need to be in their original, undamaged condition to be eligible. This includes all packaging. Items with damaged packing still may be accepted at our discretion but will incur a 20% restocking fee. We reserve the right to not accept an item if we feel the damge is too significant to allow resale.
Responsibity for, and the expense of returning an item for exchange is the customers. If the item originally had a shipping fee of $9.99 for example, we do not credit this amount. If your order had Free Shipping, we will deduct our actual shipping cost of this order from your credit amount. As an example, it you purchased a pedal for $250 that had Free Shipping, and the actual shipping cost was $10.90, we will credit you an amount of $239.10.
Any item you select to use your credit on will not be eligible for Free Shipping and actual shipping costs will be charged.